I've been so excited to share this with everyone and it was just released today! Making music can happen in all kinds of ways--I met a pretty cool guy named Woody at yoga and meditation class, and it turns out, he was in a pretty awesome band. After talking music and yoga for a while, he asked me if I'd be up for laying down a little cello on a new acoustic version of Our Last Night's "Broken Lives." I went into the band's studio in Anaheim and did a little improv with them, and (I'm biased, but...) it came out pretty great. ;) So without further ado, here it is:
Shout out to my boy Woody rocking that badass acoustic bass! Thanks to all the guys in Our Last Night: Matt, Tim, Trevor, and Woody for having me join them for this track! Check out the rest of their youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC599MoN2FAQyhHeopdKDHqA These guys do some pretty excellent covers, and their originals rock! They have well over a million YouTube subscribers for a reason.